Application Transformation

Application transformation is the method that is used to evaluate the company’s existing software to determine which applications will undergo modernization or could be migrated into the cloud. Reviewing the current software you own is an excellent initial step; however, many of the old systems are layers of old software that has lost KT for larger companies.

The process can be broken down into 5 parts:

A first step would be to plan the application according to its complexity and importance to the client and the future of the company. Then, the ones with a high value and minimal effort are the “first wave” effort into modernization. Application transformation’s discovery process enables you to choose the best method to move towards modernization.

Simply, it’s using an existing program and moving it from its on-premise data center into newer technology, such as the public cloud. In this way, there’s very little change in the source code. This is usually the least labor-intensive method, but the number of apps that can be moved easily is usually very few.

Application refactoring refers to rewriting large portions of code without altering the internal structure. A team of developers might choose this method to break the more extensive application into smaller parts known as microservices to make the most of the advantages of cloud-native infrastructure and tools.

The middle point between shift and lifts is the refactoring process. This is where modifications to the structure or code are also complementary, like changing or changing your backend database.

Rebuilding an application requires completely changing the code to work to the specifications for the brand new technology. While the scope and requirements remain the same, the application code will need to be rebuilt entirely for use in cloud-based services.

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